The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Germany

''German Cultural Diplomacy in East-Central-Europe. Ballance and Perspectives of a Democratic Capacity-building Soft-power Measure.''

Dániel Hegedüs (Center for Central and Eastern Europe, German Council on Foreign Relations)

''German Cultural Diplomacy in East-Central-Europe. Ballance and Perspectives of a Democratic Capacity-building Soft-power Measure.''

Dániel Hegedüs (Center for Central and Eastern Europe, German Council on Foreign Relations)
July 30th, 2014

Thomas Silberhorn (3).jpg
Thomas Silberhorn (Parliamentary State Secretary, Federal Ministry for Economic Development and Cooperation of Germany)
Katja Hermes (1).jpg
Katja Hermes (Director, German Office, Sound Diplomacy)
Tatsuya Machida (4).jpg
Tatsuya Machida (Cultural Counselor, Embassy of Japan to Germany)
Luis de Ameida Sampaio (1).jpg
Luís de Almeida Sampaio (Ambassador of Portugal to Germany)
Ulrich Bruckner (6).jpg
Ulrich Brückner (Jean Monet Professor of European Studies, Stanford University)
Daniel Niebel (1).jpg
Dirk Niebel (Minister of Economic Cooperation & Development of Germany 2009-13)
Ognian Hishow (3).jpg
Ognian Hishow (EU-Integration, Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik)
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Rolf Hageman (Good will ambassador for Copenhagen Representative Danes Worldwide in Berlin Consul)
Stephan Mayer (6).jpg
Stephan Mayer (Member of the German Parliament)
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Karl Erik Normann (Former Swedish Ambassador; Secretary General, European Cultural Parliament)