The International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy in Germany 2019

"Taliban, culture and peace - how understanding Taliban political culture helps us assess progress towards Afghan peace"

Michael Semple (Professor, Senator George J. Mitchell Institute, Queen’s University Belfast)

"Taliban, culture and peace - how understanding Taliban political culture helps us assess progress towards Afghan peace"

Michael Semple (Professor, Senator George J. Mitchell Institute, Queen’s University Belfast)
June 07th, 2019
Francis Adams (PhD researcher, University of West of Scotland in cooperation with the ICD Academy)
Michael Daxner (Founding member of the Green Academy)
Lutz Rzehak (Department of Asian and African Studies, Humboldt University Berlin)
Michael Semple (Professor, Senator George J. Mitchell Institute, Queen’s University Belfast)
Michael Arensen (Senior Project Manager African Team, Berghof Foundation)