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Conference Speeches
Valdis Zatlers (President of Latvia, 2007-2011)
"Walls in Our History and Opening up Our Minds"
Valdis Zatlers (President of Latvia, 2007-2011)
"Walls in Our History and Opening up Our Minds"
November 05th, 2019
"Continuing the Fight of Brave People"
Guy Verhofstadt (Prime Minister of Belgium. 1998-2008)
November 06th, 2019
"Fall of the Wall and 30 Years Security Policy of the Reunified Germany"
Thomas Silberhorn (State Secretary, Ministry of Defense of Germany)
November 06th, 2019
Reverien Ndikuriyo
(President of the Senate of Burundi)
November 06th, 2019
"Walls in Our History and Opening up Our Minds"
Valdis Zatlers (Former President of Latvia)
November 06th, 2019
“The Kashmir Conflict”
Jawaria Kanwal Chaudhary (CEO of the PAK/GER Organization Shaheen)
November 06th, 2019
„Is the Berlin Wall broken Down? The Challenges of Today“
Liudmyla Denisova (Ombudsman of Ukraine)
November 06th, 2019
“If you Want Peace, prepare Justice - Confidence in the Judiciary, an Essential Value of the Rule of Law”
Augustin LAZĂR (Former Prosecutor General of Romania)
November 06th, 2019
Moses Cheboi (Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Kenya)
November 06th, 2019
“The Fall of the Berlin Wall and Building Global World”
Hrant Bagratyan (Former Prime Minister of Armenia)
November 06th, 2019
"The Fall of the Berlin Wall as a New Era in Eastern Europe"
Hovhannes Igityan (Member of Parliament of Armenia)
November 06th, 2019
“Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial - Diplomacy of Remembrance”
Maria Ossolinska (Head of Diplomacy of Remembrance Department at Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum)
November 06th, 2019
“Unity Over Fear”
Wilmot Collins (Mayor of Helena, Montana)
November 06th, 2019
„Fall of Walls and Raise of Human Rights from Berlin to Pristina“
Mytaher Haskuka (Mayor of Prizren)
November 06th, 2019
"After Freedom: The Roads to Flourishing“
Edmund Phelp (Laureate of 2006 Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences)
November 09th, 2019
“Reconciliation and International Law”
Goran Lambertz (Former Chancellor of Justice, Sweden)
November 06th, 2019
''The Wall: from a City Divided to Europe United''
Vojko Obersnel (Mayor of Rijeka)
November 06th, 2019
"Del otro lado, from the other side, the US-Mexico Wall"
Vanessa Rubio Marquez (Senator of the Mexican Congress)
November 06th, 2019
“Age of Indifference”
Eric Jack Pickles, Baron Pickles (UK Special Envoy for Post-Holocaust Issues)
November 06th, 2019
"History Did Not End, But Freedom Will Prevail Every Time"
Roza Otunbayeva (Former President of Kyrgyzstan)
November 06th, 2019
Zaza Tavadze (President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia)
November 06th, 2019
„United in Diversity, Divided in a Union. Past Trials, Current Challenges, Future Prospects“
Andreas Pottakis (Ombudsman of Greece)
November 06th, 2019
"Artificial Intelligence and Internet Governance - Implications for Freedom, Security and Prosperity"
Ronja Kemmer (Member of the German Parliament)
November 06th, 2019
"The Fight for European Freedom During the Baltic Revolutions in 1989"
Emanuelis Zingeris (Member of Parliament of Lithuania)
November 06th, 2019
“Berlin Wall 30 From the Divided to the City of Freedom”
Sophio Katsarava (Chairperson of Foreign Relations Committee, Parliament of Georgia)
November 06th, 2019
„Dynamics of Walls and Boundaries – Never as Intended but Inspire Change“
Rita Kieber-Beck (Former Foreign Affairs Minister of Liechtenstein)
November 06th, 2019
„The Fall of the Berlin Wall and International Law“
Mauro Politi (Former Judge International Criminal Court)
November 06th, 2019
“Could Berlin Philosophy Prevail?”
Suat Caglayan (Deputy Mayor of Izmir)
November 06th, 2019
"Falling Walls – Cultural Heritage and Innovation made in Berlin"
Judith Bunting (Member of the European Parliament)
November 06th, 2019
“Berlin - from Divided City to Development Cooperation”
Alex (Lekso) Aleksishvili (Chairman of the Board, Policy and Management Consulting Group, PMCG)
November 06th, 2019
"The Freedom after Freedom"
Sanita Osipova (Vice President, the Constitutional Court of Latvia)
November 06th, 2019
“Rebuilding fallen Walls? Is Pluralism under Threat Today?”
Naheed Nenshi (Mayor of Calgary, Canada)
November 06th, 2019
„Reflections on the Economic Recovery Miracle: Eastern Europe after the Fall of the Berlin Wall„
Marek Belka (Former Prime Minister of Poland)
November 06th, 2019
“The Growing Importance of Cities and their Role in defending Western Democracy”
Jan Vapaavuori (Mayor of Helsinki)
November 06th, 2019
“We Must Not Play with History”
Ferenc Gyurcsány (Former Prime Minister of Hungary)
November 06th, 2019
„The Berlin Wall Trail is the Model for the Iron Curtain Trail - a Ride in History, Politics, Culture and Nature“
Michael Cramer (Member of the EU Parliament)
November 06th, 2019
“Scandlines: The Freedom to Travel”
Søren Poulsgaard Jensen (CEO Scandlines Group)
November 06th, 2019
“Bridges between Germans, Europeans and Citizens of the World"
Maria Joao Rodrigues (President of the Foundation for European Progressive Studies)
November 06th, 2019
"Freedom of Movement and Brain Drain in the EU- Addressing the Challenge at all Levels"
Emil Boc (Mayor of Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
November 06th, 2019
“Is building Walls an Answer to a European Identity Crisis? The Importance of Culture and to making the EU an Opportunity for the European Citizens and its Economy”
Valérie Gomez-Bassac (Member of the French National Assembly)
November 06th, 2019
"New Walls Made of Old Bricks"
Ranko Krivokapić (Former President of the Parliament of Montenegro)
November 06th, 2019
“It's not about the Wall. It's s about Freedom”
Lora Vidovic (Ombudswoman of Croatia)
November 06th, 2019
A Keynote Address by Kindiki Kithure (Deputy Speaker of the Senate Kenya)
Kindiki Kithure (Deputy Speaker of the Senate Kenya)
November 06th, 2019
“The Fall of the Wall in 1989: an Inspiration for the 18th Year Old Student I was”
Claudia Monti (Ombudswoman of Luxembourg)
November 09th, 2019
“Borders and Peace in Europe Today"
Luca Jahier (President of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC))
November 09th, 2019
"Making the case for Europe in the Age of Populism"
Seb Dance (Member of the EU Parliament)
November 09th, 2019
"Lessons from 30 Years of Common European Democracy"
Mogens Lykketoft (Former Speaker of the Danish Parliament)
November 09th, 2019
A Keynote Address by Andreas Kiefer (Secretary General, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe)
Andreas Kiefer (Secretary General, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, Council of Europe)
November 06th, 2019
“30 years After the Fall; Say No to New Walls”
Mukhisa Kituyi (Secretary-General, UN Conference on Trade & Development, UNCTAD)
November 06th, 2019
"Society, Economy & Banks – 1862, 1962, 2022"
Christian Leitz (Head, Corporate Responsibility Management, UBS)
November 06th, 2019
"The fall of the Berlin Wall and its Consequences on the European Union"
Michèle Alliot-Marie (Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of France)
November 06th, 2019
''Three Walls''
Kati Piri (Vice-president of the Socialists and Democrats European Parliament)
November 09th, 2019
“30 years after the fall of the Berlin wall, what prospects for our strategy and architecture of security in Europe ?”
Joëlle Garriaud-Maylam (Member of the French Senate)
November 09th, 2019
“Not the End of History but a Turning Point”
Bertel Haarder (Senior Danish Minister) Berlin Wall 30 - From the Divided to the City of Freedom The 30th Anniversary of the Fall of the Wall (Berlin; November 6th - 10th, 2019)
November 09th, 2019
“Border Walls, Identity Walls and the Need for Windows of Dialogue”
Luk Van Langenhove (Founding Director of UNU-CRIS)
November 09th, 2019
“Something is There, that doesn't Love a Wall”
Lena Nazaryan (Vice President of National Assembly of Armenia)
November 09th, 2019
“The Berlin Wall @30: A Call to Action”
Celina Caesar-Chavannes (Canadian Member of Parliament)
November 09th, 2019
"The Military, an Agent of Cultural Diplomacy"
James B. Peake (US Army General; Former US Secretary of Veterans Affairs)
November 09th, 2019
A Keynote Address by Ögmundur Jonásson (Former Minister of Justice of Iceland)
Ögmundur Jonásson (Former Minister of Justice of Iceland)
November 09th, 2019
A Keynote Address by Giorgi Tchigvaria (Mayor of Kutaisi City Municipality)
Giorgi Tchigvaria (Mayor of Kutaisi City Municipality)
November 09th, 2019
“The Wall”
Guillfred Besaril (Minister Plenipotentiary of Aruba)
November 09th, 2019
A Keynote Address by Laurent Ngon Baba (President, National Assembly Central African Republic)
Laurent Ngon Baba (President, National Assembly Central African Republic)
November 08th, 2019