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Keynote Address
Dr. Solomon Passy (President of the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria)
Keynote Address
Dr. Solomon Passy (President of the Atlantic Club of Bulgaria)
October 08th, 2013
"Responsibility to protect women in the conflict and post-conflict stages"
October 09th, 2013
"Responsibility to protect women in the conflict and post-conflict stages"
October 09th, 2013
"Responsibility to protect women in the conflict and post-conflict stages"
October 09th, 2013
"Role of Women in Security and Defense: Specific Human Potential in Capacity Building"
October 09th, 2013
"Role of Women in Security and Defense: Specific Human Potential in Capacity Building"
October 09th, 2013
"Role of Women in Security and Defense: Specific Human Potential in Capacity Building"
October 09th, 2013
"Round Table: Women's Participation and Leadership: From Theory to Practice"
October 09th, 2013
"Round Table: Women's Participation and Leadership: From Theory to Practice"
October 09th, 2013
"United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: What are the Challenges?"
October 09th, 2013
"United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: What are the Challenges?"
October 09th, 2013
"United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325: What are the Challenges?"
October 09th, 2013
"Women in Afghanistan: Key to the successful end of ISAF?"
October 09th, 2013
"Women in Afghanistan: Key to the successful end of ISAF?"
October 09th, 2013
Keynote Address
October 09th, 2013
“A World without Walls” Project 2009-14
A World without Walls 2014
Opportunities for Peace Building in a Time of Global Insecurity
(Berlin; November 7th - 10th, 2014)
"Women Building Peace: What They Do, Why It Matters?"
The Event is organized by The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria in partnership with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and with the special support of NATO
(Bulgaria, Sofia; October 9th - 10th, 2013)
A World without Walls 2013
“Promoting the Culture of Peace and Global Ethics for Conflict Mediation through Cultural Diplomacy”
(Ankara & Istanbul; May 8th - 9th, 2013)
The 2012 Ankara Conference on Peacebuilding & Conflict Resolution
Using Cultural Diplomacy as a Tool to Build Sustainable Peace
(Ankara; April 17th - 19th, 2012)
A World without Walls 2010
"An International Conference on Peacebuilding, Reconciliation and Globalization in an Interdependent World"
(Berlin; November 6th - 10th, 2010)
"A World without Walls 2009
An International Congress on "Soft Power", Cultural Diplomacy and Interdependence
(Berlin; November 6th - 9th, 2009)