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A World without Walls 2014
"The Berlin Wall"
Raja Remigius Kanagarajah (Head of the Royal House of Jaffna, Sri Lanka)
"The Berlin Wall"
Raja Remigius Kanagarajah (Head of the Royal House of Jaffna, Sri Lanka)
November 09th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 09th, 2014
"'Wir sind das Volk'. A World without Walls”
November 09th, 2014
"10 Thoughts Inspired By The Fall Of The Berlin Wall"
November 09th, 2014
"25 Years since the Fall of the Berlin Wall: Peace is still the Task"
November 08th, 2014
"25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall"
November 09th, 2014
"A Global Serving University in an Age of Boundaries, Borders and Walls"
November 09th, 2014
"A World without Walls - Greenland, and an Arctic for Peace"
November 09th, 2014
"A World Without Walls"
November 09th, 2014
"A World Without Walls: Opportunities For Peace Building In A Time Of Global Insecurity"
November 07th, 2014
"About Walls and Freedom"
November 07th, 2014
"After 25 Year: the New Challenges for Peace and Security"
November 08th, 2014
"Anticipated Dream: Unarmed and Boundless World"
November 08th, 2014
"Berlin Wall and its Philosophy of Peace, Freedom and Liberty of the Individual"
November 08th, 2014
"Breaking the Analytical Walls in the 21st Century - How Creative Thinking can help us Achieve Balance and Success in Today's Complex Environments"
November 08th, 2014
"Bridges or Walls? Roots of Relations in the Current World"
November 08th, 2014
"Can Human Race Coexist within Our Diversities? Leadership Role Lessons from Berlin Wall Fall for Contemporary Generation"
November 09th, 2014
"Coming from the Past, going to the Future"
November 07th, 2014
"Commitment to Inter-Religious Dialogue - Commitment to World Peace"
November 07th, 2014
"Division and Reunification: The Anachronism of Separation and the European Reality of Coexistence and Multiculturalism"
November 08th, 2014
"Education - Another Brick out of the Wall"
November 09th, 2014
"EU - Divided Unit"
November 08th, 2014
"Higher Education and Cultural Diplomacy"
November 07th, 2014
"How Can Democracy Build A Safer World?"
November 08th, 2014
"How Wall Turns to Virtual and How does Humanity's will Make the Shift?"
November 09th, 2014
"Human Rights And Their Protection Breaks All Walls"
November 08th, 2014
"Is there a Danger of new Walls in Europe?"
November 08th, 2014
"Maltese Perspectives on Economic Sustainability Issues"
November 09th, 2014
"New 'WALLS' Dividing Nations: Can Cities be New Bridges?"
November 09th, 2014
"Overcoming Barriers of Building Culture of Peace"
November 07th, 2014
"Peace building and the Future of Nation States"
November 09th, 2014
"Removing the Walls of Division from our Hearts"
November 08th, 2014
"Sarajevo Without Walls"
November 08th, 2014
"Science & Technology without Walls"
November 09th, 2014
"Tearing Down Walls, Building up Bridges in Southeastern Europe"
November 08th, 2014
"The Angel on the Wall"
November 07th, 2014
"The Berlin Wall and the Green Line: Considerations about Borders and Narratives"
November 07th, 2014
"The Berlin Wall"
November 09th, 2014
"The Core of Europe"
November 08th, 2014
"The Crown and Modern Romania"
November 08th, 2014
"The End of History Re-Visited"
November 07th, 2014
"The Fall of the Berlin Wall: A Symbol of the Fall of a Socialist Empire"
November 07th, 2014
"The Fall of the Walls of Unfreedom: The Role of International Law"
November 07th, 2014
"The Fate of Small Nations in World Processes"
November 08th, 2014
"The Future of Political Parties in the Context of Citizen Protest Movements: How Can Political Parties Respond?"
November 08th, 2014
"The Invisible Walls of Our 21st Century World: What Would it Take to Break Them?"
November 09th, 2014
"The Invisible Walls of Our 21st Century World: What Would it Take to Break Them?"
November 09th, 2014
"The Relevance of the Principles of the Magna Carta in the 21st Century and its Relationship to Peosace Building at a Time of Global Insecurity"
November 09th, 2014
"The Role and Contribution of the International Law to World Peace"
November 07th, 2014
"The Role of higher Education in the 21st Century"
November 09th, 2014
"Wall Smashing Technologies"
November 08th, 2014
"Walls: Peace Makers or Breakers? An Internationa Law Perspective"
November 08th, 2014
"What Made the Walls in Europa Fall 25 Years Ago?"
November 09th, 2014
"Why the Might is Right Policy is not Conducive to Peace in the World"
November 09th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 08th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 09th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 09th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 08th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 08th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 08th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 09th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 09th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 09th, 2014
Keynote Address
November 09th, 2014
Welcome Address
November 07th, 2014
“A World Without Borders: Are Borders an Anachronism?”
November 09th, 2014
“A World without Walls” Project 2009-14
A World without Walls 2014
Opportunities for Peace Building in a Time of Global Insecurity
(Berlin; November 7th - 10th, 2014)
"Women Building Peace: What They Do, Why It Matters?"
The Event is organized by The Atlantic Club of Bulgaria in partnership with the Institute for Cultural Diplomacy and with the special support of NATO
(Bulgaria, Sofia; October 9th - 10th, 2013)
A World without Walls 2013
“Promoting the Culture of Peace and Global Ethics for Conflict Mediation through Cultural Diplomacy”
(Ankara & Istanbul; May 8th - 9th, 2013)
The 2012 Ankara Conference on Peacebuilding & Conflict Resolution
Using Cultural Diplomacy as a Tool to Build Sustainable Peace
(Ankara; April 17th - 19th, 2012)
A World without Walls 2010
"An International Conference on Peacebuilding, Reconciliation and Globalization in an Interdependent World"
(Berlin; November 6th - 10th, 2010)
"A World without Walls 2009
An International Congress on "Soft Power", Cultural Diplomacy and Interdependence
(Berlin; November 6th - 9th, 2009)