Media Center
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"The Freedom after Freedom"
Sanita Osipova, Vice President, the Constitutional Court of Latvia
"The Freedom after Freedom"
Sanita Osipova, Vice President, the Constitutional Court of Latvia
November 08th, 2019
"The Freedom after Freedom"
Sanita Osipova, Vice President, the Constitutional Court of Latvia
November 09th, 2019
A Keynote Address by Zaza Tavadze
Zaza Tavadze, President of the Constitutional Court of Georgia
November 09th, 2019
"The Increasing Troubles in International Justice or the Awaken Ghosts"
Jao Caupers, Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Portugal
November 09th, 2019
“It's not about the Wall. It's s about Freedom”
Lora Vidovic, Ombudswoman of Croatia
November 08th, 2019
"If you Want Peace, prepare Justice - Confidence in the Judiciary, an Essential Value of the Rule of Law"
Augustin Lazar, Former Prosecutor General of Romania
November 07th, 2019
"Auschwitz-Birkenau Memorial - Diplomacy of Remembrance"
Maria Ossolinska, Head of Diplomacy of Remembrance Department at Auschwitz-Birkenau State Museum
November 07th, 2019
"The Fall of the Berlin Wall and International Law“
Mauro Politi, Former Judge International Criminal Court
November 07th, 2019
"United in Diversity, Divided in a Union. Past Trials, Current Challenges, Future Prospects“
Andreas Pottakis, Ombudsman of Greece
November 07th, 2019
“Is the Berlin Wall broken Down? The Challenges of Today”
Liudmyla Denisova, Ombudsman of Ukraine
November 06th, 2019
“The Fall of the Wall in 1989: an Inspiration for the 18th Year Old Student I was”
Claudia Monti, Ombudswoman of Luxembourg
July 08th, 2019
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights as a Quite New Important Dimension Globally"
Xhezair Zaganjori, Cheif Justice of the Supreme Court of Albania
December 14th, 2018
"The Constitutional Complaint as Democratic Tool for the Development of Constitutional Justice"
Boris Velchev, President of the Constitutional Court of Bulgaria
November 14th, 2018
"The Role of the Constitutional Court in the Establishment of Democracy in Ukraine"
Yuriy Baulin, Former Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine
November 09th, 2018
"Constitutional Justice and Politics: the Case of Albania"
Xhezair Zaganjori, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Albania
December 16th, 2016
"Human Rights and their Impact on National Administrative Law"
Gabriela Bogasiu, Vice President of the Supreme Court of Romania
December 15th, 2016
"Cultural Diplomacy an Active Agent to ensure Good Governance"
Joseph Said Pullicino, Parliamentary Ombudsman of Malta
December 13th, 2016
“Cultural Diplomacy a Force that Enhances Relationships”
Fejzullah Hasani, President of the Supreme court of Kosovo
December 12th, 2015
“The Migrant Crisis – Thoughts and Concerns”
José de Faria Costa, Ombudsman of Portugal
December 12th, 2015
“International Human Rights: Reconciling Universality and Diversity”
Yvonne Donders, Executive Director, Amsterdam Center for International Law (ACIL)
February 04th, 2015
“Peace Theories, Quest for Peace, and A Cross-Cultural Theorizing”
James C. Hsiung, Professor of Politics & International Law, New York University
February 04th, 2015
An Interview with Judge Fausto Pocar
Fausto Pocar, Judge; Former President of the ICTY
February 04th, 2015
Lecture by Karim A. A. Khan QC
Karim A. A. Khan (Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court)
February 04th, 2015
"Berlin Wall and its Philosophy of Peace, Freedom and Liberty of the Individual"
Fejzullah Hasani, President, Supreme Court of Kosovo
November 08th, 2014
"Anticipated Dream: Unarmed and Boundless World"
Abdulkadir Ilhani, Deputy Chief Justice, Supreme Court of Turkey
November 07th, 2014
"International Law & Human Rights"
The Montenegro Symposium on International Law & Human Rights 2014
July 10th, 2014
"Fundamental values of Judges"
Borghe Dahl, Former President of the Supreme Court of Denmark
July 09th, 2014
"Human Rights in Peace and Wartime: Striving for International Accountability"
Fausto Pocar, Former President of the ICTY
July 09th, 2014
A Keynote Address by Branko Hrvatin
Branko Hrvatin, President of the Supreme Court of Croatia
July 08th, 2014
''The Specific Role of the Ombudsman in Promoting Human Rights under International Law"
Jose de Faria Costa, Ombudsman of Portugal
July 08th, 2014
"Black Box for Provision of Human Rights: Latvian Case"
Juris Jansons, Ombudsman of Republic of Latvia
July 08th, 2014
"The International Law, Human Rights and their Protection in Macedonia"
Ixhet Memeti, Ombudsman of Republic of Macedonia
July 08th, 2014
A Keynote Address by Šućko Baković
Šućko Baković, Ombudsman of Montenegro
July 08th, 2014
"The Influence of American Diversity and Values Through the Rule of Law"
A lecture by Alberto Gonzales (80th United States Attorney General of the United States)
June 23rd, 2014
"The Power of Culture for Communication, International Cooperation and Peace"
Gaetano Quagliariello, Minister for Constitutional Reforms of Italy
June 13th, 2013
"Slovenia as a Site of Mass Atrocities : National Legislative Measures"
Lovro Šturm, Former Minister of Justice of Slovenia, Former Judge, Constitutional Court
October 30th, 2012
"Enforcing the Genocide Convention"
Theodor Meron, President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
May 11th, 2011
"International Humanitarian Law"
Panel Discussion with Alfredo Palacio, Rudolf Bernhardt, Ahmed Jalali, George Galloway, Leonie von Braun, Ariel King
November 09th, 2010
"International Humanitarian Law and the Unspoken Crime of Genocide"
Panel Discussion: Alfredo Palacio, Janez Janša, Rudolf Bernhardt, George Galloway, Leonie von Braun
November 09th, 2010
An Interview with Irakli Khutsurauli
Irakli Khutsurauli, Manager of the Supreme Court of Georgia
November 09th, 2010
"Human Rights and Migration?”
Helgi Magnús Gunnarsson, Deputy Director of Public Prosecution of Iceland
December 13th, 2018
"The Increasing Importance of International Law in World Affairs"
Gudmundur Eiriksson, Former Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
December 13th, 2018
"The Increasing Troubles in International Justice or the Awaken Ghosts"
Joăo Caupers, Vice-President of the Constitutional Court of Portugal
December 13th, 2018
"Rule of Law and Cultural Diplomacy: the Role of Courts in Promoting Global Peace and Stability"
Caroline Fredrickson, President American Constitution Society for Law & Policy
February 26th, 2018
"Special Evening in honour of Black History Month 2018"
John Eichler; Lawyer, Philosopher and Author
February 22nd, 2018
"Populist Politics and the Law of Democracy"
Richard H. Pildes (Sudler Family Prof. of Constitutional Law, NY University)
September 19th, 2017
"The Role of Human Rights Today"
Dragoljub Popovic, Judge at the European Court of Human Rights
December 18th, 2016
"The System of Defense of Human Rights and Freedoms in Macedonia"
Judge Milka Ristova, Judge, Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia
December 17th, 2016
Keynote Address by Thuli Mandosela
Thuli Mandosela, Public Protector of South Africa; Human Rights Lawyer and equality Expert
December 16th, 2016
An Interview with Gudmundur Eiriksson
Gudmundur Eiriksson, Former Judge, International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea
December 13th, 2016
An Interview with Dragoljub Popovic
Dragoljub Popovic, Judge, European Court of Human Rights
May 29th, 2016
"Holding Sovereign States to Account for Human Rights Violations"
Julia Sebutinde, Judge at the ICJ
April 28th, 2016
"The International Criminal Court and State Sovereignty: Current Challenges"
Ţórdís Ingadóttir, Associate Professor of Law, Reykjavik University
April 28th, 2016
"International Law, Human Rights and Truth Commissions"
Janis Judson, Professor of Law at Hood College in Frederick, Maryland
April 28th, 2016
"The Role of International Criminal Courts in Building Bridges of Peace and Reconciliation"
Vagn Joensen, President, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
December 15th, 2015
An Interview with Judge Vagn Joensen
Vagn Joensen, President, International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda
December 12th, 2015
“We the People: The United Nations at 70”
Judge Julia Sebutinde, Judge, International Court of Justice
December 11th, 2015
“Legal Comparison as a Bridge between Nations”
Dragoljub Popovic Judge, the European Court of Human Rights
December 11th, 2015
An Interview with Judge Christopher Greenwood
Christopher Greenwood, Judge, International Court of Justice
February 04th, 2015
An Interview with Judge Daniel Nsereko
Daniel Nsereko; Judge, Special Tribunal for Lebanon
February 04th, 2015
An Interview Judge Joyce Aluoch
Joyce Aluoch, Judge; International Criminal Court
February 04th, 2015
“International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights”
Christopher Greenwood, Judge; International Court of Justice
February 04th, 2015
Introductory Keynote Address by Fausto Pocar
Fausto Pocar, Judge; Former President of the ICTY
February 04th, 2015
“Evolution of the Status of the Individual in International Law”
Daniel Nsereko, Judge; Special Tribunal for Lebanon
February 04th, 2015
An Introductory Keynote Address by Julia Sebutinde
Julia Sebutinde, Judg; The International Court of Justice
February 04th, 2015
“The Role of the ICC in International Law and the Promotion of Human Rights”
Joyce Aluoch, Judge; International Criminal Court
February 04th, 2015
“Beyond Territory and State: Human Rights Obligations of Foreign States”
Wouter Vandenhole (Chair, Faculty of Law, University of Antwerp)
February 04th, 2015
An Interview with Judge Göran Lambert
Göran Lambertz, Judge of the Supreme Court of Sweden
November 08th, 2014
An Interview with Judge Julia Sebutinde
Julia Sebutinde, Judge; International Court of Justice
November 08th, 2014
A Keynote Address by Judge Milka Ristova
Milka Ristova, Judge of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia
November 08th, 2014
"Walls: Peace Makers or Breakers? An Internationa Law Perspective"
Julia Sebutinde, Judge; International Court of Justice
November 08th, 2014
"The Fall of the Walls of Unfreedom: The Role of International Law"
Göran Lambertz, Judge of the Supreme Court of Sweden
November 08th, 2014
"Malta's Experience During the Libya Conflict: a Humanitarian Response to Conflict"
Lawrence Gonzi, Former Prime Minister Malta; Senior Lawyer
July 14th, 2014
"Begging, Human Rights and International Law"
Göran Lambertz, Judge of the Supreme Court of Sweden
July 09th, 2014
"The Practice of the Courts Implementating International Law & the Protection of Human Rights"
Milka Ristova, President, Supreme Court of the Republic of Macedonia
July 09th, 2014
"Begging, Human Rights and International Law"
Ivica Stanković, Judge of the Supreme Court of Montenegro
July 09th, 2014
A lecture by Petre Lazaroiu
Petre Lazaroiu, Judge Constitutional Court of Romania
July 09th, 2014
"The Role of the ICJ in Promoting Global Peace and Justice"
Julia Sebutinde, Judge, International Court of Justice
July 09th, 2014
"The Role of the Court in implementing the European Convention on Human Rights"
Danute Jociene, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Lithuania
July 09th, 2014
"Children's Rights in International Law and Practice in Turkey"
Abdulkadir Ilhani, Deputy Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Turkey
July 08th, 2014
"International Human Rights Protection - A Hope for the Weak"
Dragoljub Popović, Judge of the European Court of Human Rights
April 15th, 2014
"Strasbourg Court in Promoting Sustainable Development"
Dmitry Dedov, Judge, European Court of Human Rights
April 15th, 2014
"The Binding Nature of the Judgments of the ECHR and the Universality of Human Rights"
Boštjan Zupančič, Judge, the European Court of Human Rights
April 15th, 2014
"Women and Children in the Case Law of the European Court of Human Rights"
Ineta Ziemele, President of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Latvia
April 15th, 2014
"The Binding Nature of the Judgments of the ECHR and the Universality of Human Rights"
Boštjan Zupančič, Judge, the European Court of Human Rights
April 14th, 2014
"A Female Attorney's Role in the Pursuit of Gender Equality"
Johanna Norrback-Ivessalo, Senior Associate, Attorneys at Law Borenius LtD
March 10th, 2014
An Interactive discussion with Judge Marlon Reis
Marlon Reis, Judge
April 18th, 2013
A Keynote Address by Judge Marlon Reis
Marlon Reis, Judge
April 18th, 2013
“The Reykjavík Congress on Human Rights 2013”
Ögmundur Jónasson, Minister of the Interior of Iceland
April 10th, 2013
"Can Crimes Against Humanity Be Stopped in Syria?"
Gregory H. Stanton, President of Genocide Watch
December 13th, 2012
An Interview with Judge Wolfgang Schomburg
Wolfgang Schomburg, Judge, UN International Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia
October 30th, 2012
"A Belated Response to War Crimes & Genocide"
Mark Vlasic, Senior Fellow & Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University
October 30th, 2012
"A Belated Response to War Crimes & Genocide"
Mark Vlasic, Adjunct Professor of Law, Georgetown University
October 30th, 2012
"A World Free from Genocide"
Janez Janza, Prime Minister of Slovenia
September 27th, 2012
"A Call to review the UN Genocide Convention"
Janez Jansa, Prime Minister of Slovenia
September 20th, 2012
"The Belgian Experience on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide"
Marc Verwilghen, Former Minister of Justice of Belgium
May 11th, 2011
“The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide”
Janez Jansa, Zvonimir Paul Separovic, Amb. Jean Feyder, Amb. Emina Keco Isakovic, Amb. Janis Mazeikis
May 11th, 2011
"Peace v. Justice: A Conflict in International Relations?"
Leonie von Braun, Judge at the German Criminal Court
January 31st, 2011
A Keynote Address by Merethe Stagetorn
Merethe Stagetorn, Defense Lawyer for the Danish Supreme Court
November 06th, 2010