The Berlin International Economics Congress 2014

The Berlin International Economics Congress 2014

“Global Trends in Creative Economies: Green Industries, Education, Entrepreneurship and Tourism as Drivers of Sustainable Economic Growth”

The Berlin International Economics Congress 2014

“Global Trends in Creative Economies: Green Industries, Education, Entrepreneurship and Tourism as Drivers of Sustainable Economic Growth”
March 05th, 2014
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The Hon. Minister Dato' Seri Mohamed Nazri bin Tan Sri Abdul Aziz (Minister of Tourism and Culture of Malaysia)
The Hon, MP Lilyana Pavlova (Member of the Bulgarian Parliament)
Adenyinka Moyosore Kotoye (Legal Adviser & Managing Partner of P.A.G.E)
The Hon. Rashed Al Baloushi (Chief Executive, Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange)
The Hon. Fanny Palli-Petralia (Vice President, International Olympic Truce Foundation; Former Minister of Tourism Development of Greece)
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Alain Dupeyras (Head of the Tourism Unit, OECD Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development, OECD)
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Tsedevdamba Oyungerel (Member of Parliament, Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Mongolia and Co-author of Green Eyed Lama)
Dr. Sergio Arzeni (Director, Centre for Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Local Development (CFE), (OECD)
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Aldo Ravazzi Douvan (Senior Economist, Italian Ministry of Environment)
Alfonso Martinez Cearra (Director General Bilbao Metropoli 30)
Alexander El Alaoui (Policy officer, Team German and EU Climate Policy, German watch)
Manfred Rosenstock (Deputy Head of Unit Resource Efficiency and Economic Analysis DG Environment European Commission)
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Aldo Ravazzi Douvan (Senior Economist, Italian Ministry of Environment)
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Koen Wellink (MA Student Center for Cultural Diplomacy Studies (CCDS)
Davide Triacca (Researcher, Centro per un Futuro Sostenibile & Francesco Rutelli)
H. E. Amb. Alberto Antonio Guani Amarilla (Ambassador of Uruguay to Germany)
The Hon. Dora Bakoyannis (Former Greek Minister of Foreign Affairs)
Yann Wehrling (Spokesman MoDem and Former Leader of the Political Party Les Verts)
The Hon. Dirk Niebel (Former Federal Minister of Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany)
The Hon. Peter Bayuku Konte (Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs of Sierra Leone)
Michael Bartl (HYVE AG, Carfrogger, German Association of Market and Social Research)
Nicolas Dittberner (Country Manager - DACH, Elance)
Andreas Reiter (Founder, ZTB Zukunftsbüro)
Marinella Davide (Researcher, Centro per un Futuro Sostenibile)
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Minister Alain St. Ange (Minister of Tourism of the Seychelles)